Southwest Airlines

  • Southwest Airlines te bwakin taekin Amerika ro riki te ua ai n mene 1967. Aiai te irou lima ni ibukin te Donielle, Texas, aiai n te ia takiroia no Uea ro low-cost. Southwest te takarabonga n 4,000 biro-biro ro tawaka a ni te tokerabo ro 100 kinoke United States ao nimaru ao ibukin bwerawera. Te airline ea deruriga bonimurie ni Uea te naba, bonitin tekike ai n robeain te ebwa ai oti te ubobora iro te raon te bwa ate. Southwest te ebō utiutia ai n robeainu n bong te rongorongo uma ao n ribaia ro te nonprofit iroun taaku.
Southwest Airlines
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Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Aiō raanin beti
image of city
Las Vegas
Aiō raanin beti
image of city
Las Vegas
Aiō raanin beti
image of city
Las Vegas
Aiō raanin beti
image of city
La Guardia
Aiō raanin beti
image of city
Las Vegas
San Jose
Aiō raanin beti
image of city
La Guardia
Aiō raanin beti
image of city
Las Vegas
Aiō raanin beti
image of city
Las Vegas
Sacramento International
Aiō raanin beti