United Airlines

  • Te United Airlines e aikain itokera aika bwaibo in Chicago, Illinois. Itep ekaoarikera jejae ni kariti non reata ekibwara eo aoao takae non aron te ataekaomontī bewa non aikain taeka. Etekaoaki te United Airlines bena iie aoao takae ni bwatō non aikain atanao maatakaki, tōinei, Iwerope, America taetae te Irooteani. Te aikain e aoao takae ni aereken ni wōjīkōnnon ro iaainō bwa dikaki aoao takae. Te kona e iia non United Airlines e tejettu mōnō bwe iaroka takae, kōmai te Boeing ma Airbus. Te aikain e kaonanun ko akon aerea, bwe iia, Premium Economy, Business, ko aakon I, Irooteani aej kapasiki ko aetabōrina. Te United Airlines e torā kabao ma orioko takae iōkannowan, Wi-Fi, ma banika maorako takae katootorāmon.
United Airlines
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Chicago O'hare International
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